Tonrec Swiss GmbH, Deutschland - Tonerkassetten Recycling - Navigation
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Production of compatible toner cartridges
Safe for humans and the environment
We work only with companies that offer an international supply of spare parts, such as the OPC, cleaning blade, print detect chip etc. Not only do these companies have to comply with European standards, they must also meet our own high quality standards.
Print detect guarantees full functionality.
Health impact
Toner powder not only affects printer functionality, it also has a considerable impact on people and their health. We source our toner powder exclusively from manufacturers that subject their products to the following tests and which follow these guidelines:
- AMES test (mutagen test)
- Blue angel: an eco-label in existence since 1978 that certifies environmentally friendly products and services.
- LGA test (Landesgewerbeanstalt Bayern)
- EU Directive 2002/95/EC concerning restrictions on the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical devices. This directive requires that new electronic devices do not contain lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium
In addition to compliance with European standards, we also require our suppliers to comply with the higher quality standards of Tonrec Swiss.

The challenge of colour printing
Colour laser printers present great challenges when it comes to the production and recycling of toner cartridges. The worldwide development of colour toner powder is making steady progress.
Tonrec Swiss is working continuously to develop new methods and is always testing new systems, toner powder, OPC and manufacturing processes in order to achieve ideal colour print results.
Due to manufacturers' rapid advances, toner recycling has undergone immense changes and is becoming more complex and fast-paced every day.
We are right at the forefront of these developments and offer the most advanced technologies, enabling you to deliver products of the highest quality.
CH-5432 Neuenhof
8am - 12 am / 1pm - 5.30 pm
D-79761 Waldshut - Tiengen
8am - 12 am / 1pm - 5.30 pm
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CH-5432 Neuenhof
8 bis 12 / 13 bis 17:30 Uhr
D-79761 Waldshut - Tiengen
8 bis 12 / 13 bis 17:30 Uhr